Monday, July 14, 2008

Traffic Circles, Traffic Patterns and Onstreet Markings

Dear RIOC Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:

Can I ask for confirmation what the allowed traffic pattern is around the traffic circle by the Tram Plaza? On a few mornings when walking to theTram along the sidewalk adjoining the Soccer Field at Firefighters Field I have seen cars looking to make left turns ignore the posted sign and proceed to drive to the left of the curbed circle. One morning a car almost hit my son as we were trying to cross the street to the Tram when the car failed to bear right around the traffic circle. One afternoon this past May a car cut off a Red Bus apparently thinking this sort of left turn was allowed. It is possible though at that time the existing sign was not there. I posted a report of that incident on my blog as I was in the affected bus.

As opposed to the traffic circle / triangle by Blackwell House where street markings make it clear that forking left is allowed and the street markings also prevent cars who are making "U Turns" from making such turns without stopping the traffic circle by the Tram has no such on-street markings or additional signage. The existing circle is apparently being interpreted as only being applicable to cars looking to make U-turns. Certainly if even a moving bus is not making it clear to oncoming drivers we need better signage and on street markings.

Have I misinterpreted the intended traffic pattern? I believe we cannot wait for Riverwalk construction to conclude and even if we need to paint the street several times before the two existing buildings under constructionare complete I feel the added paint and signage would be worth preventingany injuries or worse. Your feedback is appreciated?

Thank you,

From: "Keith Guerra"
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:05:33
Subject: Re: Traffic Circles, Traffic Patterns and Onstreet Markings


Thanks for your e-mail. We posted the sign currently on the traffic circle by the tram after we received complaints similar to the one you describe. Traffic is supposed to flow counter clockwise around the circle. Our officers are issuing moving violation summonses to those seen in violation. Unfortunately, in the case of the car in your scenario, if the violation is not actually observed by an officer, a summons cannot be issued. We will continue to pay special attention to that traffic circle.

Keith Guerra
Director of Public Safety

UPDATE: 6:00pm

Apparently sometime in the last few days since I took the pictures at top RIOC painted the additional traffic flow yellow lines and cross walk. I can't say whether it was there this morning as I took the Red Bus to the Tram station. Definitely a step in the right direction. Subsequent to Mr. Guerra's above reply he sent another email where he indicated that PSD would look into posting an additional sign stating textually "Traffic Keep Right" in addition to the existing graphic sign.

1 comment:

  1. Ya you have raised a very good toipic as this is very common now days and no one use to follow these lines

