Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lighting Improvements Continue - Thanks Tom !

I have learned that if you don't ask here on Roosevelt Island for an improvement or repair it may not be known to be broken. In the last two years I have never known the sign at the bottom of the Bridge Ramp to have ever been lit and it has always been a source of amusement that we, as an island, could not get this first piece of public relations right with respect to welcoming our vehicular guests.

Well I think we should thank Thomas Turcic, RIOC's Director Engineering, and his crew, for either installing new lights or fixing whatever lights were there but the ramp sign is now wonderfully illuminated. The lights also remove any shadows ensuring that pedestrians are fully visible to drivers looking to drive up or down the ramp at that crossing. Less than a month ago the Engineering Department repaired several lights under the Motorgate Deck brightening the area between the bridge ramp and the entrance to the Motorgate Garage elevator lobby.

So the next time your Uncle Phil is coming around to pick you up and drive you to the airport expect he will finally be on time as he can now clearly see which building addresses are to the right and which are to the left.

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