I can not claim to be a music afficionado so I have no idea if Island House resident Andrew "Tex" Allen can claim to be the best known musician living on Roosevelt Island but the blog "Fresh Plays" certainly made me aware of him.
According to Fresh Plays:
"[Allen] has been an important part of the New York music scene for more than 25 years, playing in jazz clubs, forming his own groups, helping write the script for what he calls America’s native or classic music. And lately he’s been a musical ambassador, making two trips to Beirut this year, performing at a jazz festival in Oslo, and traveling to Paris and Hamburg. "
The blog post also references his two siblings who have done pretty well in their careers as well. You may have heard of them .....Phylicia Rashad and Debbie Allen.
You can visit Mr. Allen's own website by linking HERE. Upon visiting his site it appears that the Fresh Plays post is taken from a much larger and quite in depth article posted on the official website.
So how about we/Mr Allen sponsor or get behind the effort to open a destination jazz club here on our island???? Wouldn't THAT be great - a unique NYC bar with great jazz - and some food.....