Friday, April 25, 2008

Micro Congestion Pricing: Tolling the Roosevelt Island Bridge

Would they ever dare to put a toll onto the Roosevelt Island Bridge? Never. Some other bridges we thought would be free forever may not be able to say the same thing.

Over the last few days I have seen a number of posts by transit bloggers, including Second Avenue Sagas, referring to the belief that the DOT will eventually convert the currently free East River Bridges to toll bridges using the revenue generated to fund capital construction. We have all heard these calls before but perhaps this time they will really do it as congestion pricing was supposed to help cover transit and infrastructure related needs which as of now will be short the funding.

Getting back to the Roosevelt Island Bridge I don't ever expect someone would even think to suggest adding a toll but you never know. For those residents old enough to recall at one time cars were not allowed on Main Street (except for hospital workers etc). The effect on congestion would be staggering. Just imagine cars backed up on either Main Street or 36th Avenue waiting to pay.

Although, on a long term basis, it might cut down on traffic on Main Street. Hmm maybe congestion pricing on a micro-level would not be a bad thing? And then we can use the funds to build a free standing building to allow us access to the Queensboro Bridge...... Nah, Sheldon Silver would not even allow the Assembly to vote on it.

1 comment:

  1. If $4/gallon gasoline does not dissuade folks from driving into Manhattan, a little $5 toll won't either. Public transit is now so wicked cheap compared to driving, it's not funny. Wait 'til the midtown garages and parking lots start complaining of slow business.
