Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Queens Gazette: Ray Kelly, the 114th Pct and Roosevelt Island

While speaking at the April meeting of the Astoria Civic Association, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly responded to a question as to why the 114th Precinct is charged with patrolling Roosevelt Island which is considered part of Manhattan. His answer to anyone with a moderate amount of brain power as reported by the Queens Gazette was obvious stating “that since the island is accessible to vehicles only from the 36th Street Bridge in Astoria, there is no choice”.

I will not address that the bridge is named the Roosevelt Island Bridge or that the street leading into the bridge is actually 36th Avenue as I like Commissioner Kelly and I am sure he wanted to tell the questioner that the question was a silly one to ask based on the known geography despite the historical political assignment of Roosevelt Island to Manhattan.

The Gazette continued by reporting the questioner followed up by asking Kelly why this is fair as it puts increasing pressure on the 114th Precinct due to the increasing population growth on the island. Kelly responded by simply stating that the 114th like many precincts is not alone in dealing with population growth.

It is unclear as to the motive behind the questions posed or whether the individual was aware that the Roosevelt Island Pubic Safety Department handles many calls and incidents that a local NYPD precinct would normally handle and that the 114th is not involved in many of these incidents at all. We live in an interesting place and I am sure there are distinct protocols as to when the 114th is called into service here on Roosevelt Island. Certainly any calls to 911 result in the 114th being notified leading to their response but most of the day to day patrols are handled ably by our local PSD.

1 comment:

  1. it is not called the roosevelt island bridge. it is called the welfare island bridge. even has a big nameplate on it on the queens side.
    got a 'pretty bridge' award and everything.

    what the residents choose to call it may be a different matter!
