To read the stories now you would think the end of the world was coming to Roosevelt Island seventeen years ago tomorrow. It was in fact the end of an era where the local Red Bus maintained and operated by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation was run for free. On May 1, 1991, RIOC started charging 10 cents for rides on the Red Bus.
"The kids are getting a lot more exercise," Ms. Neis said. "And the older people have more room on the bus."
It appears that Robert Hickman, who also design and created the convex disk at our subway station, posted a video today regarding a new method of air travel between what appears to be Roosevelt Island and and not Manhattan but starting from Long Island City's Socrates Sculpture Park. The above YouTube video can be linked directly HERE. It seems that there are a few kinks before passengers can start purchasing their farecards.
Update: 4/25
The Roosevelt Islander is indicating that this air link may be an laternative considering the weekend's curent service disruption.
In a news conference today at Grand Central Terminal, Governor Paterson discussed several initiatives regarding sustainable energy usage including using tidal energy to power a portion of the Roosevelt Island subway station.
The Newsday article referring to the news conference does not indicate what portion of the station will be linked to the tidal energy plan but it is assumed (by this blogger) it will be the lighting as opposed to powering the subway rails themselves. I just hope it is not the escalators.
According to the RecordOnline (Albany Times Herald-Record) a substantial portion of the station will be powered by the renewable tidal energy.
The above video of Roosevelt Island PSD officers was posted on YouTube by "RooseveltIsland10044". The video shows the officers searching the contents of the individual's backpack, dropping the contents on the ground and then returning the contents to the individuals' backpack.
According to Public Safety Director Keith Guerra the individual stopped was arrested for narcotics possession after being observed using a controlled substance. I would add that Mr. Guerra provided this detail upon my requesing more information regarding the video's content.
Zoe here, founder of the NYC Magic Garden. I made up that drink and two others that we serve at the party (they all have a nice old school NYC ring to them). The Roosevelt Island Tramp is Malibu, Blue Curacao and pineapple juice. The Staten Island Fairy is Cranberry juice, Peach Schnapps and vodka. The Ghetto Blaster is gin and grapefruit juice. Come, have a $4 drink with us natives(http://www.nycmagicgarden.com/).