Thursday, April 30, 2009
Subway Platform & Train Snapshots - Differences of Opinion?

There is currently a vast difference of opinion between residents and the students from Columbia who are now concluding a study of transportation issues affecting Roosevelt Island. The students spent time on the Manhattan platform and documented their findings via photo snapshots and data collected through at least one sample morning before, during, and following that day's heaviest rush hour period. [Update: If the data was collected from multiple dates I missed that in their verbal and slide show presentation].

The residents who attended the public presentation two weeks ago strongly disagreed. My own experience is that the problems occur during the 815am to 900am period as the trains are either full coming into Roosevelt Island or riders don't move from the doors making it difficult to enter trains.
Frank Farance, President of RIRA, continues to argue that the study had flaws to which the Columbia students reply look at our proof look at our photos. I can"t argue with the photos in question but I must conclude that the day in question must have been an anomaly as my experience, mirrors my neighbors, that during the peak times there is problem. And during the period just prior to the peak, as I have photographed, the situation is closer to what the Columbia students claim.
The key is I believe that any study may need an increased number of test mornings and also must take into account the residents own experience by perhaps selecting 200 residents who will record their experiences over say a one month period. The record should include the time they enter the station each morning with additional notes regarding wait time, platform positioning etc.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Parkour View of Roosevelt Island
The above video is a Parkour practitioner's view and includes mashed up images of both Roosevelt Island and NYC's Central Park. For someone not used to quick camera work this video might be a bit strange to get used to but is quite interesting. I recognize shot outside Rivercross, behind Westview, along Island House among others. The last minute or so is a bit of out takes and just walking around.
As I have stated in past posts about Parkour, the actions taken would not be sanctioned by PSD and this video is not disagreeing that many of the moves seen could be dangerous.
Direct YouTube Link by Shadowgodny
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
RIOC Photos re Tram Evacuation Drills

Monday, April 27, 2009
May 3 - Expect Five Boro Bike Tour Related Delays at Roosevelt Island Bridge

Is Roosevelt Island, Improv Everywhere's Next Target?

What's an Improv Anywhere Mp3 experiment you ask? Let's just say it's a lot of people (a lot) wearing headphones and doing what the voice them to do. And watch out if you are in the area they are told to be in. Link here.
So read this blog post, then forget about about it, but watch for the fun that day. Can you do that?

Friday, April 24, 2009
A Changing of the Banner Size Rental Apartment Ads....

Upon inquiring whether we should expect to see additional ads (thinking now both Manhattan Park and the Riverwalk ads) were permament features of the structure I asked Steve Shane, President of RIOC, about future plans for the station and concerns re overcommercializing the space. He stated:
The instant ad banner is temporary and will be taken down when the Tram closes July 6. You may remember that there were Manhattan Park banners on the station for the last several years which were only removed 2 weeks ago. It is to everyone's benefit to promote the success of Riverwalk. Overcommercializing the space will not occur. See billboards and other display ads on the surrounding buildings.
We are working on the design of the new Tram station which will not have the same dreary presentation as the present terminal. Be patient.
Stephen H. Shane
President & CEO
Roosevelt Island Operating
So while we will miss the Tram station this Summer I am betting I am not alone in not missing these new signs.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Follow-Up: RIOC's Recycling Compliance

Empire State News, summarized the reports findings: "[RIOC] was generally in compliance with these requirements. However, because the corporation had yet to begin compiling data on certain recycling activities, auditors found it was unlikely the corporation would be able to comply with certain new reporting requirements." That summarization may have been inaccurate.
I received the following statement today from Sylvia Giralde, RIOC’s Compliance Officer stating that:
“we [RIOC] are still awaiting reporting requirements from the Interagency Committee on Sustainability and Green Procurement, which was established to set forth such requirements.”
My earlier post characterized RIOC’s compliance as lacking per the blog post title. Ms. Giralde’s statement makes it clear that RIOC is still awaiting additional reporting requirements and that before such requirements are communicated to RIOC it would be unfair to characterize its compliance or ability to be in compliance.
New Tram Design Images - Stylish !

The New Destination for Detroit's TV Car Commercials?
Will this video be enough to convince ailing General Motors to film future car commercials on Roosevelt Island? It is unlikely but the owner of this Charger RT had some fun on a bright Saturday morning showing off his wheels.
Direct YouTube link by CiscoNY718
Morning Roosevelt Island Links
Shift Change – NYC Taxi Photo
Marriage of Real Estate and Money – Daily Photo Stream
Queensboro Bridge – Family Adventures
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Your Advice for DC's Roosevelt Island ?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Trip / Distance Websites Don't Always Apply Here

Update: After playing a bit with the site described below it is not so far off to be unreasonable but still generally these things don't work from Roosevelt Island.
Monday, April 20, 2009
360 Degree View from Southtown Dock

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Octagon Dock – Winter – 360º View
The above video was found on YouTube (by DIEGoMOL80) and is a 360º view shot from the "Octagon" dock across from the DaySpring Church here on Roosevelt Island. The video starts with a view of the East River (West Channel) and Manhattan. It's a bit clunky and quick but does what the videographer wanted to capture the moment.
Friday, April 17, 2009
New Artistic Banners Highlight Island Landmarks

New Local Guide - Hot & Cool - 4/21 Launch Party at Trellis

A Bar We All Know...But Do We ?

RIOC Audited for Recycling Compliance: Passes but Reporting Lacking

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Will President Obama Visit Roosevelt Island for a FDR Park Dedication?

If this does happen, security will be amazingly tight on our little island and you can bet we’ll be in partial lockdown mode. I disagree with parts of the park’s design but it would be an honor for the President to visit the island. My bet is that residents would be squeezed out attending the event. Despite this blog being a pseudo member of our local press I have no illusions of receiving an invite but they sure as hell better invite Dick Lutz of the Main Street WIRE and Judy Berdy from the Historical Society.
NYC HS Basketball Stars Visit Goldwater; Play to Benefit Wheelchair Charities

WIRE Bulletin: Columbia Students to Present Transportation Study 7:30 pm Tonight at Good Shepherd
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 4:09
Graduate students of Columbia University will brief Roosevelt Islanders on their study of the Island's transportation this Thursday night (April 16) at 7:30 in the Good Shepherd Community Center.
A limited number of residents who have had a preview call the students' work comprehensive and imaginative. It is strongly visualized and packed with facts about traffic, ridership, subway capabilities, destination data, and much more.
Led by Dr. Floyd Lapp, an adjunct professor of planning, the students considered a wide variety of transportation options and alternatives for the Island. A preview of their presentation indicates that the study has addressed issues like reconfiguration of Main Street traffic and the possibility of mixed use of the "channel" between Main Street buildings, pedestrian access to the Queensboro Bridge, a reworking of street-parking and Motorgate rates to free up Main Street parking, a long-term program of gradually discouraging use of cars, reduction of Main Street traffic signage, and measures to eliminate the bunching of red buses that leaves extended periods without service at rush hour.
The presentation will begin at 7:30 in the Good Shepherd Community Center, Thursday night at 7:30.
Bridge Update: First Night Closed Without Incident

The next bridge closure is scheduled for April 17 from 12:30 AM to 5:30 AM, weather permitting. "
Less Rush Hour F Trains? Here's Why....

The MTA is replacing an 800-feet stretch of track between Queens’ Roosevelt Avenue and Forest Hills-71st Avenue stations as part of ongoing subway maintenance, said NYC Transit spokeswoman Deirdre Parker.
The work is being done on the weekends, but trains must constantly travel at slower speeds because they are running over temporary track, she explained.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Update re Shots Fired (on 4/14) Outside 2-4 River Road

In short the individual apprehended claims he was set up and in self defense he wrestled the gun away from his assailant.
------Original Message------
From: Steve Shane
To: Roosevelt Island 360
To: Roosevelt Islander
To: Dick Lutz / The Main Street WIRE
Sent: Apr 15, 2009 11:17 AM
Subject: Shots Fired
Be advised that the apprehended person who fired the shots on Monday night/Tuesday morning has been released by NYPD. He established to their satisfaction that he was the victim of a setup/mugging from a location off Island and that he wrestled the weapon away from the other person involved in self defense, during which struggle the shots were fired and the window shattered.
Another example of why we all should not jump to conclusions.
Stephen H. Shane
President & CEO
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp.
Was the Bridge Open or Closed Last Night ?

Due to rain last night's scheduled closure was put off. We should expect the scheduled closure to be in effect unless notified otherwise. [via Denise Lynch of RIOC].
Original Posting:
I sent an inquiry regarding last night's planned bridge closure to Roosevelt Island PSD Director Keith Guerra to learn if the preparations all worked out as planned but have not heard back from his office yet.
According to a post on NYC the closure may have been delayed a day. RIOC's Steve Shane had indicated in prior emails that the rain may cause delays hence all the extra days of scheduling.
Berlin on Roosevelt Island ?

4/16 - 12:30 pm Updated for Last Paragraph:
‘Spacebusters’ (April 16-27), which deals with the work of German studio’s Raumlabor and Plastique Fantastique. The exposition called ‘Berlin in NYC’ starts with ten consecutive evenings of events in an inflatable pavilion in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Roosevelt Island.
After dropping into the Roosevelt Island Visual Arts Association (RIVAA) on my way home I confirmed with the folks in the gallery that RIVAA is indeed involved with bringing the bubble to Roosevelt Island. The date is either 4/18 or 4/19 and they were not sure what works were to be exhibited in the bubble. They also confirmed, to their understanding, that the bubble would be set up on the Rivercross Lawn across the street from Blackwell House.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
4:30am Gunfire Outside 2-4 River Road

From: Steve Shane
To: Roosevelt Island 360
To: Roosevelt Islander
To: Dick Lutz / The Main Street WIRE
Sent: Apr 14, 2009 12:58 PM
Subject: FYI:
At approximately 4:30 AM on the morning of April 14, 2009, NYPD responded to a 911 call of shots fired at 2-4 River Road. The security guard placed the call.
There apparently had been 2 men arguing outside, one pulled a gun and fired 2 shots, one of which shattered the lobby door window.
NYPD apprehended the shooter and recovered the weapon. The other person involved fled the scene and remains at large.
There were no injuries.
Public Safety responded and assisted NYPD at the scene.
Stephen H. Shane
President & CEO
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp.
Based on the above e-mail it is unknown as to what sparked the incident and until the police or PSD offers additional information it is all we will know.
During the last week I also received an email from PSD Director Keith Guerra regarding a separate incident that PSD responded to, that according to Director Guerra, is believed to have been a gang initiation hazing that took place within a building lobby here on the island and involved several youths that live here on the island.
Director Guerra has asked that residents report to his office any suspicious activity in this regard. While I have not seen evidence of this event I obviously agree with Director Guerra that residents should report any suspicious activity to the PSD or the NYPD and let these offices investigate accordingly.
NYT: Video re Renwick Ruin Stabilization
This morning's NY Times , online, includes an article and video about the restoration of the Renwick Ruin, the former smallpox hospital here on Roosevelt Island.
Monday, April 13, 2009
It's Official: A New Bar for Island !

Roosevelt Island: Land WITH Dogs and Their Poop

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Safety Issue at Grandpa Al Lewis Playground ?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
RI Bridge Closure 4/15-17 & 4/21-22: Emergency Preparedness

Times affected 12:30 am to 5:30 am
------Original Message------
From: Steve Shane
To: Roosevelt Island 360
To: Roosevelt Islander
To: Dick Lutz / The Main Street WIRE
Cc: Fernando Martinez
Cc: Keith Guerra
Cc: Tom Turcic
Sent: Apr 7, 2009 5:26 PM
Subject: Bridge Closure
You have all received a copy of the DOT Notice of Bridge Closure.
1. It is absolutely necessary.
2. The Fire Department will station an engine (pumper) and a ladder truck on the Island during the outage to respond to any emergencies. In addition, there will be a fireboat available to deliver additional personnel if a big emergency occurs. An engine company (with 5 firemen) will be at the Vernon Ave. end of the Bridge to provide additional bodies as needed.
3. The Fire Dept. (EMS) will station an ambulance on the Island and an ambulance at the Vernon Ave end of the bridge. In the event of a medical emergency, the victim will be treated and taken to the RI end of the bridge and conveyed on a gurney to the other side where the other ambulance will be waiting to transport. In addition to the 4 EMS persons, there will be the 5 firemen there to assist. If the bridge is completely impassable (one of the procedures will require it to be 6'-8' above the connecting streets), then transport will have to be by Tram to a waiting ambulance on Manhattan side.
4. RIOC will run the Tram all night on 1/2 hour intervals (except in emergency) with the Red bus to match up. The Subway (F Train) should be available.
5.Only 2 nights are needed, and if the weather permits, the later nights will not be required. Steelworkers union contract and OSHA rules do not permit workers on exposed iron surfaces at heights when it is raining.
6. NYPD is also likely to station a squad car on the Island to assist.
We have coordinated all of this with NYPD, NYFD, EMS, DOT, HHC, etc. A necessary evil, but we should get through it. Please try to quell the hysterics.
Stephen H. Shane
President & CEO
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp.
Could PSD's Next Puchase be a P.U.M.A.?

P.U.M.A. stands for Personal Urban Mobility & Accessibility

Abstract Exploration of Island Ruin
The above YouTube video by ChristosNYC is of a former hospital on Roosevelt Island which I must assume is the former smallpox hospital but which could be of another ruin since demoslished as noted below.
Currently the access to the ruin is under tighter restrictions due to injuries sustained by two RIOC PSD officers who were chasing unauthorized intruders. In other words do not attempt to dupliacte the images on this video.
Per the videographer:
"abstract exploration of now demolished ruin of abandoned Victorian style hospital on Roosevelt Island in New York City's East River. Shot as part of Graduate Film program work in the early 1990s. "
Monday, April 6, 2009
Curbed: Giant Bubble Coming to Unknown Island Event

The Grass is Greener on Roosevelt Island !

7:54am F Train from Roosevelt Island (Mon Apr 6)

While I do believe the transportation infrastructure needs to be strengthened and increased, I am also of the belief that as long as island residents leave at a reasonable time they do not have to encounter the packed trains from Queens that arrive starting at and after 815am and continue through 845am.
Again this week may not be a good test, it is a holy week for many and schools are off starting Thursday. So be it. Again the above picture shows one family's experience at 7:54am after getting onto a Manhattan / Brooklyn bound F Train from Roosevelt Island.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Resident Profile: Hiromi Asai, Kimono Dresser & Instructor

Friday, April 3, 2009
Access RI - Community Presentation Tomorrow (2nd Showing)

The second AccessRI community review meeting, is tomorrow 4/4, if you missed the earlier presentation and will be held at the Roosevelt Island Senior Center on Main Street, located accross the street from Trellis.
Poor Rich Kids Using RI as Dating "Sure Thing"?

Warning: Perhaps Not Totally Family Friendly
According to the blog “Poor Rich Kids” bringing your date to Roosevelt Island is almost a sure thing. It’s cheap, romantic and according to the blog post. In the blog’s own word the reasons to come include:
“Why: Although its just a stones throw away from Manhattan, no one ever goes there. Filled with a rich history of prisons, psych wards, and syphilis containment centers the old hospital buildings are something between a tour of scottish castles and a good ol’ scary movie–either way, a total panty-dropper.”Somehow this was all a bit much but was amusing to read. Obviously this is not an image we want Roosevelt Island to be known for. While the views, promenades, and sites to be seen via the tram (read their article) are romantic it is amusing that the now not so rich are using our fair isle because they can't afford anything ritzier. I feel so cheap don't you?
Update: Wheelchair Access from Platform into Subway

------Original Message------
From: Deirdre Parker (MTA Spokesperson)
To: Roosevelt Island 360
Sent: Mar 31, 2009 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: Platform Construction
The centers of both platforms are covered with plywood. This plywood is painted safety yellow which allows customers to notice the unevenness of the platform. This is the area of the platform where Station Maintenance will be installing the recently approved new ADA Tiles for the ADA boarding area. This work is only done on weekends and is scheduled to be completed by April 30, 2009.