Monday, January 26, 2009

Video: Roosevelt Island - I Cubed

"A short film directed and produced by Phanat Xanamane, Eugene Kwak, Seung Lee, and Seung Oh for a course called Reading New York Urbanism at Columbia University's Urban Design School. The title I-Cubed refers to the Infrastructure, Identity, and Isolation attributed to Roosevelt Island's (New York City) transportation features. " - Per YouTube description.

Interestingly I cannot turn on the sound if there is any. Direct YouTube link. Posted by phanat81. I think this woudl be infinitely more interesting if they captured the actual audio or posted their comments or interviews of those they met along their journies.

1 comment:

  1. I apologize for the faulty upload. It's my first youtube upload. I will repost the video with. Please check again soon. Thank you for your interest.
    Phanat (film co-director)
