Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wanted: One Paper Model Roosevelt Island Tram

This is a repeat of a post that ran back in May 2008 which I am re-running with the hope of finding a paper Roosevelt Island Tram. You may have seen my posters at the Manhattan Tram station. I figured with the Tram going out this July perhaps its time for another contest or at least an exhibition to say goodbye to the current cabins.

Original Post:

I have written in the past about the paper Tram model contest that took place here on Roosevelt Island a few years back. I am again renewing my call / request to be able to examine one of these models where I would be allowed to open the model up so I can copy the original measurements of the model. My goal is to eventualy investigate mass producing templates that can be made available to kids and visitors alike.

Just a tad of back history. The templates for the trams pictured in the above and below images were provided by Colgate - Palmolive's tooth paste box manufacturer after measurements of the actual trams were taken.

The color photos were taken by and are of a model tram that may still be displayed at the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery and the black and white photos are courtesy of the Main Street WIRE.

1 comment:

  1. I saw a poster asking if anyone had a copy of the paper tram. I have one and would gladly pass it on. Contact me at:
