Urban American is in the process of premiering a new "Roosevelt Landings" website and a new advertising campaign to attract new Roosevelt Island tenants based on the two very large banners put up this past week facing Main Street. If there are more I have not yet seen them. At first I thought they read "Riverwalk" but that made no sense.
Obviously taking their cue from Riverwalk where the bigger the sign the bigger the hopes of attracting new families, Urban American decided the time must be right with all the young families coming to the island these past two weekends for the very successful Hudson / Related (i.e. Riverwalk) sponsored Roosevelt Island KidFest events held to date (according to my young children) and scheduled for the remaining two October weekends.
The website the banners direct viewers to is not yet operational and I admit the design of half letters is lost on me. More to come as we all see it. Does this mean Eastwood will no longer be Eastwood? Will Dick Lutz have to change the name of the Main Street WIRE to the Main Street WIRRL?

This past weekend, every apartment in the [former] Eastwood buildings received a flier that notified them of the name change. So yes, they're now known as Roosevelt Landings.
ReplyDeleteShould be an interesting mast head on the next Main Street WIRE then. Like I said the WIRE is now the WIRRL.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's time to include the other three apartment complexes then: WIRRMOR (Westview, Island House, Rivercross, Roosevelt Landings, Manhattan Park, Octagon, Riverwalk)
ReplyDeleteWho's the genius that put up the signs, but didn't make sure the website actually had any information on it. It takes more than new windows and banners to change a perception.
ReplyDeleteeastwood made it sound like a project. R L sounds more exclusive and hopefully better people will move in now and they will clean the place up
ReplyDeleteEastwood is a project comprising 80% minority, elderly, disabled, low-income, Section 8, LAP Pgm tenants. This represents the bedrock of our nation, instead of the here-today gone-tomorrow yuppies ("ideal" rich whites) the developers seek, in order to fleece.
ReplyDeleteEastwood tenants will join Harlem brothers & sisters in a class-action lawsuit (See 10/16 NY Times article http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/16/nyregion/16building.html?scp=1&sq=eviction&st=cse)vs the bldg owner to argue that a provision requiring that the property remain dedicated to low- and moderate-income housing had been removed recently without proper public notice, contributing to the efforts to force residents out.
Once the above fraud is proved in court (and beleive me, it will be very easy to prove), the bldg will be seized by the State of of NY, and will return to its former status as a haven for low- & moderate-income New Yorkers.
Unfortunately, when that occurs, the yuppies attracted to the elite-sounding "Roosevelt Landings" (ahem) may be somewhat disappointed to learn that there will be no apts rented to them as their income exceeds the low- to moderate-income guidelines for Eastwood. Tsk, tsk, tsk: How very disappointing..
Eastwood is a project comprising 80% minority, elderly, disabled, low-income, Section 8, LAP Pgm tenants. This represents the bedrock of our nation, instead of the here-today gone-tomorrow yuppies ("ideal" rich whites) the developers seek, in order to fleece.
ReplyDeleteEastwood tenants will join Harlem brothers & sisters in a class-action lawsuit (See 10/16 NY Times article http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/16/nyregion/16building.html?scp=1&sq=eviction&st=cse)vs the bldg owner to argue that a provision requiring that the property remain dedicated to low- and moderate-income housing had been removed recently without proper public notice, contributing to the efforts to force residents out.
Once the above fraud is proved in court (and beleive me, it will be very easy to prove), the bldg will be seized by the State of of NY, and will return to its former status as a haven for low- & moderate-income New Yorkers.
Unfortunately, when that occurs, the yuppies attracted to the elite-sounding "Roosevelt Landings" (ahem) may be somewhat disappointed to learn that there will be no apts rented to them as their income exceeds the low- to moderate-income guidelines for Eastwood. Tsk, tsk, tsk: How very disappointing..
If I made a pejorative comment like the one above about "rich whites" but substituted "poor filthy loud-mouthed blacks", you would accuse me of being racist. So I wish you a lot of luck trying to revert the building to deteriorating slum status - what a triumph that will be. And don't worry even if you fail - no 'rich whites' will want to live in a building that's 80% full of black racists like yourself.
ReplyDeleteHey - you said it, I didn't! I tell it like it is: Urban American wishes to fill its bldgs -- in Harlem & on Roosevelt Island - with the white gentry - the kind of folks that can afford the exorbitant rents (aka "market rate rents") it wishes to charge. This isn't racist -- it's a fact. And it's a fact that the result of its policy to change its properties over to market rate from Mitchel-Lama, Section 8, or what have you, will result in lily-white buildings -- or as you would put it, buildings filled with the rich, oh so clean, well-spoken whites.
ReplyDeleteEastwood is a proud community -- how dare you call it a slum! But I guess you wouldn't know that as you are too busy sipping wine and enjoying fine expensive cuisine as you view with satisfaction the ruins of what was once One New York.
I grew up in Eastwood. So did other people. It's really the only home I have ever known. Please be respectful of the people who still make it their home and who read this. And have the guts to sign your names, thus proving that you truly stand behind what you say and are not using this to blow off steam.
ReplyDelete-Lauren Kraut
I do not dispute that the long term effect of the privatization of Eastwood will be to skew the incomes of the tenants upward. But I object to the characterization of the future tenants as white(lily white!), as opposed to racially diverse. No public or private supplier of housing today is in the practice of providing or 'preserving' racially segregated housing, and that INCLUDES blacks.
ReplyDeleteEastwood is a slum plain and simple. People don't piss in the stairwells of any other buildings on the island. It's where all the fake gangsters hang out, and it's a piece of garbage. That's the fact.
ReplyDeleteEastwood is only trumped by 2-4 River Rd. That's the official project building.
i do not know how they were able to take these buildings away from the low and middle income people and the senior building. i hate what has become of roosevelt island .. the new owner douglas eisenberg and his brother band father want all low and middle income people out of these buildings . no more low and middle class in eastwood. no more seniopr building . . i hate all you new people who moved here go to the upper east side do not stay here . we need a place to live too some place we can afford you people have taken this away from us. within 10 years there will be no more senior buildind no more black people and hispancis .
ReplyDeleteNobody in Eastwood-Roland (i.e. Roosevelt Landins) can afford the illegal rent increase masquerading as submetering. Either 1,003 minority/elderly/disabled/Sec 8/LAP Pgm tenants get evicted for non-payment of the submetering portion of their rent, or Eastwood-Roland (hereafter known as E-R -- as in Emergency Room -- since we truly face the ultimate emergency now) refuse to accept submetering.
ReplyDeleteOne way to oppose the submetering planned by Urban American is the class action lawsuit being filed by the Legal Aid Society. This lawsuit will air the vile truth behind Urban American and other developers' efforts to remove minority/low-income/elderly/disabled tenants from rent-controlled/ex-Mitchel-Lama/rent-stabilized apts in order to make room for more "lucrative" white yuppies to move in. If these landlords had it in their power, beleive me, they would line us up and commit mass murder on us in order to clear the apartments, that's the murderous level of greed that motivates them!
It's time for tenants such as us, the embattled tenants of Eastwood-Roland (E-R) to reveal to the investors backing Urban American, Tishman conversions, and the like, that the businesses they have bought into are no better than Nazi organizations out to victimize/evict by any means necessary the tenants who have made our City great: Working-class, minority, retired City workers, elderly, disabled and so forth. Urban American, Tishman, and the other super-developers are therefore profoundly un-American as they selectively victimize the very Americans who made America the proud nation that it is today, in favor of the yuppies streaming into the City quite often from overseas, looking for a transient good time in what they perceive as an exciting fleshpot.
Eastwood-Roland tenants will shortly consider additional steps that may be taken, which may be inspired by the only Saint we ever had in the US: The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. of blessed memory! Using non-violent methods, the blessed Rev. King provoked a sea change in America! What Lincoln started King finished and we were free at last!
New Yorkers must and will defend their homes from the depredations of the developers' greed. The law of social Darwinism does not rule in NYC and every judge in this City knows it. Otherwise, the judges would be upholding the Law of the Jungle, which as we know, they do not.
Once our lawsuit is filed, many more will follow and eventually as the injustice is proved, crooked developers such as Urban American will be brought to heel and their elaborate overhyped conversion schemes stopped in their tracks.
Yes, we will fight for every last senior/disabled/minority/Sec 8/LAP Pgm tenant in E-R and our victory will show the way for the thousands of low- and moderate-income tenants in NYC awaiting justice, or shall we say, liberty and justice for all (not just the rich)! Our lawsuit is easily duplicated by other tenants City-wide, and with victory, the bedrock of NYC will begin to re-gain its self-respect as well as a secure foot-hold in its hometown - NYC.
No more problems for the embattled rent-stabilized tenants of Stuy-Town, and all the other Mitchel-Lama/conversions in NYC: Our lawsuit will show the way, because we have many judges in NYC already on our side, as thank God some judges cannot be bought by developers' cash.
Fellow New Yorkers, let's fight on in our opposition to submetering, which is clearly nothing but an illegal rent increase and a way of "eliminating" current tenants, and not lose hope! A brighter day is dawning if we stick together in these upcoming days. United We Stand for a better, more righteous NYC.
yes we must fight the sad part is most of these new people on the island are not from new york,and the u.s. they come to our nation to make money and push us out of our homes. i hate all of them. we must fight to get rid of them all
ReplyDeleteWow. Come on out of anonymity and show us who you are. Let's have a talk.
ReplyDeletetalk about what. talk about all you new people on this island are pushing the low and middle income people off the island what about the old people. where will they go there is no more senor building as they die off the apartment gos on the market. at the high market rent that only you and your kind can and wiil pay .these buildings were build for low middle income and old people , not for your kind which is high income . so go live some where else. i hope you all lost money on wall street ha ha ha ha ha .i hope no one has money to but an apartment in the new building called riverwalk near the tram.long live eastwood
ReplyDeleteListen, if anybody is pushing out anybody it is the developers and landlords, no? It's not like somebody steps out of the tram, goes to some random apartment at Eastwood, and makes the person move out at gun point.
ReplyDeleteThe reality is that running a place like Eastwood is becoming less and less affordable. Last time I checked we are living in the US of A where everything and anything revolves around the Dollar sign. Everybody is out for themselves.
What did John Stuart Mill write in his "On Liberty"? "Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest. Enough said.
Whoever wrote the previous entry is admitting that Urban American (UA) intends to get away with highway robbery by imposing the Eastwood submetering program, because IT CAN GET AWAY WITH IT -- per the law of maximizing profits, which justifies any action it may take to achieve this end.
ReplyDeleteSuppose the shoe was on the other foot and all that you purchased for your business, let's say the labor by the maintenance staff, wasn't exactly what you thought it was when you paid for it but yet, the staff was only acting in its own interest by not exactly working 100% or even 75% of the time. In other words the workers were in effect charging you more, or cheating you - whichever way it's put, in their own interest, to maximize their return or "profit".
If it's OK for UA to maximize the return on their note by unlawfully increasing rents (submetering charges tenants twice for electricity as electricity, water, gas, hall carpeting & lighting, paying for maintenance are already being paid for by the $1-mil+ monthly rent roll) then it has to be OK if the same law of self-interest is applied to UA by the maintenance staff (or any other vendor) -- to UA's loss...
The value of portfolio is declining -- another "victim" of the overall economic collapse. In '05, UA thought it would really make a killing for itself & its backers by buying up the portfolio and then tripling rents once the original (poor) tenants were kicked out; how satisfying that must have been for the Eisenbergs. I guess the Eisenbergs have drifted quite far from the gift of morality that their ancestors bestowed on mankind: Do Not Do Unto Others As You Would Not Have Others Do Unto You. Does it make a family like the Eisenbergs feel particularly brotherly to scheme at fraudulent rent increases/evictions in order to make poor New Yorkers homeless so UA can then turn around and triple the rents in the emptied apts? Didn't the Eisenbergs learn anything about helping their brothers -- poor or otherwise -- in their Hebrew School education? How can a family like the Eisenbergs show their faces in "society" with something like the legacy of the "portfolio" scandal hanging over their heads? Instead of making the poor homeless, it is wealthy Jewish families in NY that usually lead the way in assisting the poor and GIVING TO CHARITIES/PHILANTHROPIC ORGANIZATIONS. The Eisenbergs drag proud Israel into the gutter of Mafia-inspired "economics".
It seems that UA is just not in the league of the worthy people of wealth of any religious background, unfortunately, even though its master @ Ramius is supposedly in that echelon.
The Eisenbergs scramble for money, to get into the big league one day any way they can. But nothing will cushion the fall in value of the bldgs - which is already underway - as UA and its master @ Ramius pay more on the note than the bldgs are worth... and see the value of its investment dwindle..
Isn't the prospect of losing it all in a gigantic bankruptcy fiasco what is really driving the rush on the window-replacement project & submetering? One day, UA/PHC may find itself unable to pay the note.. especially if the bldgs go on strike.. then UA will claim to have "improved" the properties by installing new windows.. hoping to strengthen its claim.. but the judge in the bankruptcy proceeding may think otherwise.
The typical cheap way Urban American does things: The submetering devices are being installed by unlicensed electricians (non-union incidentally) as well. I'm sure they just picked up a random crew of cheap non-union labor for the window installation job.
ReplyDeleteIt'd be interesting to know if the Eastwood maintenance workers (who are in the union) are aware of the non-union labor the bldg owner is using for the submetering & window installation jobs in addition to not providing scaffolding which is required by law.
Somebody should report the above use of non-licensed electrical contractors to the Electrical Workers Union leadership, and the scaffolding violation to the NYC Bldg Dept.
If Urban American starts hiring outside non-union workers for the above jobs, then there's no telling where it might end. It might just decide to sack the entire maintenance staff and start with new non-union maintenance workers (of course at cheaper wages and with little or no benefits).
The Eastwood maintenance workers may refuse to work until mgt hires licensed Union electrical contractors for the submetering job. Also, for safety reasons, electrical contracting work should not be performed by non-licensed workers.
If Urban American is cutting corners on the window & submetering installation jobs, we can be sure the temptation will surely be there for Urban American to "jazz up" or "cram" the electrical charges and thus make millions of dollars off of phony electrical charges, especially as they have declared that there will be no outside monitoring of the Quadlogic servers.
The tenants of EAstwood will be essentially at the mercy of greedy Urban American owners in this regard.
Urban American has shown time and time again that they cannot be trusted, what with the filing of hundreds of phony eviction suits in Harlem and other properties. Why should Eastwood tenants trust Urban American in regard to Quadlogic electrical charges?
Irregardless of the above, electrical charges are an illegal double-charge as utilities are already included in the rent charge. The rent must remain as is for all tenants of Eastwood, not charged twice for electricity. Otherwise, a possible recourse will be to deduct the full amount of the electrical bill from the rent bill... as the electrical bill will be a double-charge.
The typical cheap way Urban American does things: The submetering devices are being installed by unlicensed electricians (non-union incidentally) as well. I'm sure they just picked up a random crew of cheap non-union labor for the window installation job.
ReplyDeleteIt'd be interesting to know if the Eastwood maintenance workers (who are in the union) are aware of the non-union labor the bldg owner is using for the submetering & window installation jobs in addition to not providing scaffolding which is required by law.
Somebody should report the above use of non-licensed electrical contractors to the Electrical Workers Union leadership, and the scaffolding violation to the NYC Bldg Dept.
If Urban American starts hiring outside non-union workers for the above jobs, then there's no telling where it might end. It might just decide to sack the entire maintenance staff and start with new non-union maintenance workers (of course at cheaper wages and with little or no benefits).
The Eastwood maintenance workers may refuse to work until mgt hires licensed Union electrical contractors for the submetering job. Also, for safety reasons, electrical contracting work should not be performed by non-licensed workers.
If Urban American is cutting corners on the window & submetering installation jobs, we can be sure the temptation will surely be there for Urban American to "jazz up" or "cram" the electrical charges and thus make millions of dollars off of phony electrical charges, especially as they have declared that there will be no outside monitoring of the Quadlogic servers.
The tenants of EAstwood will be essentially at the mercy of greedy Urban American owners in this regard.
Urban American has shown time and time again that they cannot be trusted, what with the filing of hundreds of phony eviction suits in Harlem and other properties. Why should Eastwood tenants trust Urban American in regard to Quadlogic electrical charges?
Irregardless of the above, electrical charges are an illegal double-charge as utilities are already included in the rent charge. The rent must remain as is for all tenants of Eastwood, not charged twice for electricity. Otherwise, a possible recourse will be to deduct the full amount of the electrical bill from the rent bill... as the electrical bill will be a double-charge.
talk about what. talk about all you new people on this island are pushing the low and middle income people off the island what about the old people. where will they go there is no more senor building as they die off the apartment gos on the market. at the high market rent that only you and your kind can and wiil pay .these buildings were build for low middle income and old people , not for your kind which is high income . so go live some where else. i hope you all lost money on wall street ha ha ha ha ha .i hope no one has money to but an apartment in the new building called riverwalk near the tram.long live eastwood
ReplyDeleteI have lived in Eastwood ("Roosevelt Landings")for many years. I raised my children here. It used to be better (as was the whole Island) when neighbors knew each other and there were more businesses and a community feel, despite the few 'holier than thou' residents who thought (and still do) that they speak for everyone. Now it's all being phased out and at this point the Island has not much to offer as far as conveniences and public amenities. I can't believe they are marketing "Roosevelt Landings" as some comparable place to the rest of the buildings. No fitness room, no doorman/concierge, broken down laundry rooms, total lack of security, sloppy paint jobs and shabby equipment in the common areas, no REAL hardwood floors, a/c or dishwashers...and the security issue is not likely to change do to the layout of the building complex. Why would anyone with a middle-to-high income not choose ANY of the other buildings over this one? Why would anyone without subsidy choose to pay these new, exhorbitant rents for nothing in return?
ReplyDeletethe eisenbers want all the old time tenets out of his buildings he wants all the new high income people to live here. we must try to buy eastwood from him .
ReplyDeleteI moved to the Island with my single mother in 1979 and we were able to afford our 2 bedroom rental in 580 under Section 8. The rent was about $400. We loved our apartment and were just saying last week how great it was - the shiny black linoleum floor, the views, the layout. I remember the industrial-grade carpeting and paint in the hallways, but we so happy to be living on our own. I am waiting to see how "Roosevelt Landings" is marketed - it's nice to see new windows on the buildings. After 35 years, the residents deserve it. I heard last year that some of the Eastwood apartments were being fixed up and rented at market, but I found it hard to believe.
you are the type of people the new owners want out of here .they do not want sec .8 teanats. eastwood no longer expects sec.8 did you know that.have you seen the oxagon exrress bus. i was at the bus stop waiting for a bus and the oxagon express went right pass me. it was rains like hell i was standind there with my 4 year old granddaugher. in the rain and cold . the bus just kept on going pass us. . to all you people in oxagon. you are no better than us who live in eastwood. go live on the upper east side. that is where you all of you belong. let the people with low income and middle in come have a place to live i have lived here for 25 years . but now i am being pushed out because of the high rents. that you people are willing and able to pay i hate all of you.
ReplyDeleteI find it very upsetting that such hateful things are being said about the new tenants in Eastwood.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who was really a "rich white yuppie" making loads of cash on Wall Street would not choose to live in a building where the tenants allow their dogs (and, it seems, themselves) to piss in the stairwells and elevators, scream and make noise in the hallways in the middle of the night, where people get stabbed in the elevator at 4 a.m., where there is no security and random non-tenants are wandering the building at all hours, where the laundry rooms are filled with broken washers and dryers and have no heat -- someone with money, regardless of race -- would choose to move somewhere else.
Eastwood is not some paradise that is being taken from you. It has become the closest thing on the Island to a slum, and it's not the new residents who are making our building as horrible as it has become.
The fact that I'm a white resident shouldn't imply I'm well off. I work hard for what I have, and it's not much. I'm only able to afford my apartment's "market rent" with the help of two roommates.
As a new resident, who happens to be white, I am ashamed of the racist, hateful comments that have been put forward in the comments on this blog. Racism, like other types of hate, goes both ways.
-- Jesse Webster
to jesse webster and all the new residents ha ha ha you and your 2 roommates were made out to be fools for moving here and paying the cazy rent you 3 are paying see the owners want people like you to stay here and push us poor and middle class out . you all should move the hell out of here then the owner will have to bring the rents down when he seee no one is going to pay these cazy rents to live here see so move go to the upper east side thats where people like you live when they can pay these high rents also i hope you lose your job so you can see how it is to pray to have a affordable place to live .as long as you and people like you are willing to pay these rents the owners will keep the rents high i bet you are not from new york you came here just to make money . move please with the rent you are paying you thought you were moving into a building with a doorman and a gym ha ha ha i am so happy you and alot of people like you got fooled. i dont feel sory for you ,because you and people like you are pushing me out of i have a family to feed where am going to live i hate all you new people to the island. move and than hopefully the owners will sell the building to someone who will keep the rents affordable put it back into michell lama
ReplyDeletethe eastwood building committee are all no good . they cut a good deal for themssefes. they were all in the lap program . but what about the people who were lefe out of the lap program. they are the ones who got a bad deal. this is not fair .everyone who was not able to get into the lap program, we need to get together and get a lawyer. because we got a bad deal most of the long time residents who are moving out is because they were not in the lap program but in sec 8 enhance vocher program . yes this is good if you are on a fixed income and never planning to go back to work like my 80 year old mother. but in you are at a working age and want to get a job and make more money the sec. 8 8 propgram is bad for you because your rent will just keep going up and up and then there may come a time when you will not be able to get sec.8 any longer because now you are making too much so now you must pay the market rent or move like so many people have already done. and then if you have kids the kids get jobs they will raise your rent ,then if yor kids move out you will be down sized. and keep on moving from apartment to apartment as your kids move out see but in the lap program you have none of this they just get rene increaes with the new york city rent guide line broad. you get to stay in your apartment see the eastwood buiding commettee weas looking out for themsefes.. you know who you are .
ReplyDeleteget a job, you lazy bitch. ever consider why exactly you're poor? with a sense of entitlement like that you have no place in a sink or swim city like new york. clean up your attitude and maybe we'll toss a quarter in your cup when you're out on your ass and living under a bridge.
ReplyDeleteha ha ha you think all people in sec. 8 are poor well my rent 1s 1700 per month and i get sec. 8. see when eastwood came out of michell lama people like me could not afford to pay 3500 hundred dollars per month for a 3 bedroom so people in eastwood got a sec 8 enhanse voicher it is for middle class people . see there is one for poor people and one for middle class people . because people like you can pay these cazy rents but most people in eastwood cannot just because i cannot pay 3ooo.oo dollars per month that doses not make me poor i pay 1700 per month now do you think i am poor paying that kind of rent get to know the facts. because you do not know what you are taking about also go move to the upper east side where your kind of people belong.
ReplyDeletei don't know what you're talking about. i certainly am not paying that for rent. for my 3br in eastwood, i pay $1000 -- without government assistance. you sec. 8 people are getting ripped off.
ReplyDeleteMaybe with the money you save in rent you could go back to school and work on your English. Your spelling and grammar need a lot of work. I am very sure you'll get some kind of financial aid to afford it if needed.
ReplyDeleteyou are lying. a 3 bedroom apartment in eastwood goes for 3300.00 per month. i pay 1700 and sec 8 pays the rest. how are you only paying 1000.00. the owner wants to get full rent on these apartments .so you are telling me that the owner is only getting 1000.. per month for you apartment when he should be getting 3300. 00 how are you able to get away this.
ReplyDeleteyou are lying. a 3 bedroom apartment in eastwood goes for 3300.00 per month. i pay 1700 and sec 8 pays the rest. how are you only paying 1000.00. the owner wants to get full rent on these apartments .so you are telling me that the owner is only getting 1000.. per month for you apartment when he should be getting 3300. 00 how are you able to get away this.
ReplyDeletethe eastwood building committee are all no good. we should go get a lawyer.the vases just looked out for themselves.
ReplyDeletethe heck with roosevelt landings it will always be eastwood. let the new uppey up people who are moving in call it roosevelt landings it will always be eastwood to us . the people who live in oxagon thing they are better than the people who live in eastwood, well they are not. go ride the express but to hell
ReplyDeleteThis annoying anonymous poster is an idiot, and not only because he or she calls the members of Eastwood Building Committee "vases" instead of bastards, or believes the Island has a residence called the "Oxagon."
ReplyDeleteWere the Island to eliminate express bus service to and from the Octagon during rush hours, RIOC would be forced to return the $100,000 they receive from the building's management each year to provide such service. The end result? The exact same level of local Red Bus service for the rest of the Island, and more crowded local buses during rush hours when Octagon residents are forced to ride them instead.
I don't live in the Octagon, but those who do deserve the express bus service they pay for through their rents, and such service benefits the rest of the Island by relieving overcrowding.
And, unless you are disabled or a senior, there is no excuse for taking the bus from Eastwood instead of walking. That's just plain lazy.
It always amazes me how many people get on the bus at the church and how many get off at the very first stop after the subway (a two minute walk). RI must be the island of the lazies. Oh, and don't get me started about the subway elevators packed with able folks who don't give a dime about people who actually physically need the elevator to get upstairs.
ReplyDeleteI grew up on the island and rented in Manhattan Park about 10 years ago. The apartment was great but the surrounding apartments were rented out to some colleges and the noise level was horrendous. The walk I had from 4 River Road to the train was long - nice in the summer but a drag in the winter. The buses were crowded but we didn't have Octagon at that point. I live in one of the new buildings near the train and I'm lucky with the walk to train/tram, but I agree - unless you're a senior or handicapped, the several block walk shouldn't be a hassle. My mother is 70, still lives on the island, and walks all over. Regarding the Eastwood situation, I'd love to see a "live" website - waiting, waiting... My friend lives in her parents' 3 bedroom apt in Eastwood and I think she pays about $1400 a month. A big concern I have is Gristedes and the crappiness of the quality. Fresh Direct is great but I'd rather not spend $100 each week for a pound of decent meat and a box of vegetables. I don't have a car, but if I did I'd go to the Key Food on McGuiness Boulevard in Bklyn. Prices are good.
ReplyDeleteto the new people who have moved into eastwood or roosevelt landinds as it is now being called .please tell all your feinds it is not worth the rent you are paying here to move somewhere else. where you can get a door man and a gym and a better place to live for the same rent you are paying in eastwood. see i am hoping that there will be so many vacant apartments in eastwood that the owner will lose too much money . that he will sell the building and the new owners will put them back into affordable housing like the were build for in the frist place . also anyone who gave money to the eastwood building committee. and did not go into the lap program should demand their money back because that money only helped the people to get into the lap program . the rest of us got sec.8. . we are the ones who got a very bad deal. the east wood building committee are all no good. everyone on the committee went into the lap program they just got a good deal for them selves/ demand that you want your money back they did not do anything for you if you are in sec.8.
ReplyDeleteHow is Section 8 a bad deal?
ReplyDeleteThe market rent for a two bedroom unit in Eastwood is $2640. Section 8 tenants pay $1,000, with the government making up the difference. I'm finding it hard to understand how people who are paying 37% of the market rent are getting ripped off.
In order for the building to improve for ALL of its tenants, a major investment of capital is required. As long as the government is willing to finance the Section 8 program, and as long as non-Section 8 tenants are willing to move into the building at market rents, Urban American gets paid -- and can turn around and invest some of that money in the property, for things like new windows, new carpeting and paint.
Don't blame Eastwood's old quality of life issues on its new tenants. Your quality of life is not suffering because new people are moving into Eastwood and paying market rents, nor is it suffering because you receive a 63% housing subsidy.
Your claims, once again, simply don't make sense.
well i am going to tell you why it is a bad deal for some people. see sec.8 is o.k if you are living on a fixed income like my 80 year old mother see her income will not change much because she is not going to go to work. understand. people who get ssi. or welfare they are happy because their income is what it is and they will not be going to work but see people like me i am 42 years old i have 4 kids all living at home see so i get sec. 8 enhance vocher. see the rent is based on my income so now i need to make money for my family. so as i make more money my rent will go up then if my kids go out and get a job the rent will go up see. then if my income gos up to a certin point i will no longer get sec. 8 because we are over the limit. then i will be told that i must pay the market rent on my apartment . which is 3500.. per month in whinh i cannot afford so now i must move out.see. now also this can happend also as my kids move out i must down size see in which case i am making the same money i was when my kids were living with me so if i get sec,8 and the limit for 6 people is say 50,00 but now my kids moved out 50,00 is too much for 2 people now you no longer can get sec. 8 . now i must pay the market rent. understand, a women who lived here in eastwood for 25 years had to move because her husband got a job . where his new pay put him and her over the limit for sec,8 so she was focred off sec.8 and told to pay the market rent she had to move out after living here for 25 years see. the eastwood building committee knew all about this but they did not care because everyone on the eastwood building comittee got in to the lap program so they did not care
ReplyDeleteabout the people in sec. 8. we in sec. 8 had to down size the people in the lap program did not . the head of the eastwood building committee has too many rooms in his and her apartment and yet they did not have to down size. see i gave money to the committe and they did nothing for me and others like me. i hope the people in the committee are reading this you know what you all did you all should go to hell . and i am going see a lawyer.see i need to make more money i have 4 kids to feedbut the more i make the more rent i will pay then if i make too much for the limit for sec. 8 then i must pay market. see but in the lap you can make as much as you want . they do not need to worry. . what did the eastwood building committe do for me . nothing they got themselfs a great deal . i hope you are readind this you know who you are. now do you understand,
I am considering turning off the ability to post comments anonymously or possibly to simply turn off the ability for new comments to be added to blog posts (such as this is) that are older than a month old. To enable comments to continue here on this post I would ask and encourage individuals to stop posting anonymously. At least pick a psuedo screen name or whatever they call it so we can follow who is who for clarity purposes. Thanks, Eric
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 1/25 @ 10:58 PM actually had a very good point: The way rents for Sec 8 tenants were structured, they are disincentivized from earning more money as they may then lose their subsidy. This provision was not put in place for LAP tenants. Anonymous, you should come to the meeting tomorrow @ 2 @ the Church to get some support for your position. Maybe the Sec 8 tenants can form a Sec 8 tenant committee to re-negotiate the Agreement so that they too are excluded from the income provisions i.e. making too much money, as the LAP tenants are. I was personally not on the prior (EBC) committee but I know the vases led it; I don't know much about how the Agreement was worked out by Serge etc. Eric, the vases = Vasses, that is Ron & his wife. They led the Eastwood Bldg Cttee that negotiated the Agreement when Eastwood exited Mitchell-Lama.
Why didn't Eastwood tenants buy the building then? Why didn't they get Federal assistance to do so? Why didn't they get the right of first refusal so they could have turned it into a coop, which would have made the most sense, as all the profits could then have been used for our benefit, and to build up our equity? I wasn't really around then, although I was following the events second-hand. We could have done this, but no-one brought in effective organizers to explain to the tenants the benefits of cooperation etc. Or did Belson then cut an inside deal with Berman that precluded cooping.
see ron made sure he got a good deal that works for him he sold us out. now if one of my kids moves out and i must now downsize from a 3 bedroom to a 2 bedroom . the owners must find me a 2 bedroom to downsize to now i only have one year to find a 2 bedroom to down size to then after one year if i am still in the 3 bedroom apt. sec 8 will now only pay fpr the 2 bedroom and i will have to pat the diffent between a 2 bedroom and a 3 bedroom . understand what i am saying also if i am making 50,00 per year and there are 3 people in my family thats o,k, i can get sec, 8 , but now my son moves out , now i am still making 50,00 but wait 50,000 for 2 people is too much to get sec. 8 you can make up to 47,000 for 2 people so now i lose the sec,8 and now i must pay the market rent or get out. see most of the vacant apartments in eastwood are from teanets who are middle income . who got into this mess see ron and the rent of the east wood committe knew all about this they signed off on this i hate him . i had to turn down a good paying job because vit i took the job i would have lose the sec8 so i cannot make the money i know i can make. but ron can make all the money he wants, ron and the eastwood building committee can all got to hell
ReplyDeleteI've thought about this problem the last couple of days & I agree with you. The Sec 8 income limit unlawfully violates the ground lease provision of affordability for the existing tenants that is, those at the time of Mitchell-Lama exit (2005) because if their circumstances change, if they start earning more money, which is a good thing, then they are punished by being charged the outrageous so-called market rate rents, are thus no longer protected as they should be as original tenants. If their income rises above the limit, Sec 8 tenants should be protected in the LAP program, no matter how much time passes since the exit date. I repeat: The Agreement should be amended to extend the so-called window of opportunity of entry into LAP to perpetuity for the orig tenants. Why the EBC could not get the owner to agree to this, I can't say, but not having this provision is a violation of the ground lease provision of affordability for the existing tenants. I think the existing tenants always should be protected under either of the 2 available programs -- Sec 8 or LAP. Once a Sec 8 tenant is transferred to LAP, they will likely wish to stay in LAP especially as LAP insures no downsizing for up to 2 BRs. However, believe me, the LAP rents aren't that cheap and they do keep going up! So LAP isn't the ultimate solution -- if you ask me, if UA is rolling back the offering price of market rate apts, which it is doing in today's dire economic conditions, then it should also roll back the price/rent of all the apts, which will make it more likely that the tenants they have now -- of all categories Sec 8, Lap, mkt-rate, will stay. That is what the tenants ctte should be working on: The urgent need to lower the rents to bring them into line with economic realities. There are no jobs in NYC, hundreds or thousands of jobs have disappeared. People are not moving to the city as they used to. In order to keep the apts rented, all the rents must be lowered.
a woman and her hasband who have lived in eastwwod for 27 years had to move because her hasband got a better paying job and they no longer could stay on sec,8 and she could not afford to pay the market rent so she had to move, this would have happend to me also but i have been turning down paying better jobs because of this . i wantto stay on the island i dont want to move so i must live are less money. thanks to ron ant the e.b.c.
ReplyDeleteThe Sec 8 tenants should get LAP once they have the income limit of Sec 8; they should continue to be protected. If the Sec 8 tenants need to get an atty to negotiate this with the landlord, then you should form a committee or go thru the existing tenants ctte to raise the money and do so. Or you could find an advocacy organization that might advise or even represent you in negotiations with the landlord. You are correct - the LAP tenants remain protected, but the Sec 8 tenants, if they surpass the income limit, are no longer protected, which is of course a violation of the exit agreement.
ReplyDeletethank you for seeing that i am right i like to know why the e b c . did not see this coming . but wait i do know now. that all the people on the ebc got into the l.a.p see the owners knew very well what was going to happand as people in sec. 8 make more money and also people with kids as those kids go to work. even when a kid gets a summer job sec. 8 raises the rent . this is cazy then if you are making 50,00 per year on sec8 8 and there are 4 people in you household its you your wife and 2 kids well 50,00 is good for sec.8 with 4 people but now the kids move out you must down size to a 1 bedroom from a just say you were in a 3 bedroom because you had a boy and a girl living with you . but wait. 50,000 is now too much money for 2 people to get sec. 8. so now you lose the sec.8 and must pay market rent or move .see the owners knew all this and the ebc let them get away with this. most of the vacant apartments in eastwood are from former treants who were in sec. 8 . and this is what happend to them they had to move . this is what the ebc agreeed to. see sec. 8 was made for poor people not middle income people like myself i work i have kids i am looking to make a good living just like the people in the lap. but i cant make more money then i am making now because of this mess that the ebc agreeed to
ReplyDeleteYes -- LAP protection should be extended to Sec 8 tenants if they become income-ineligible for Sec 8, as stipulated by the ground lease provision extending the protection of one program or the other to all tenants who were residing in the bldg at the time of exit from Mitchell-Lama. You are absolutely right and the failure to have included this in the Agreement with the owner, was certainly a glaring failing on the part of the EBC. Also, a logical mistake, as, if Sec 8 tenants income rises, they are still part of the group of orig tenants and therefore must be protected -- in LAP.
ReplyDeletei went down to the office in eastwood, the people who a running roosevelt landings and i told them that i was looking to get a better paying job, but i am thinking of not taking it because i will be making too much to stay on sec. 8. and i cannot afford the market.so i said is there anyway that i can get into the lap. they said no it was a one time thing sec8 or lap. its too late. so i am now staying on my lower paying job. this is the reason why i am very upset with ron vass
ReplyDeleteJoe, isn't it kind of stupid to stay in a lower paying job just because you want to stay in Eastwood? There are plenty of places in and around NYC that are still affordable but a little off the beaten path. Staten Island, even around the ferry terminal, for example, is still extremely affordable and the ferry is not all that bad. Jersey City and Newark are definitely good choices as well (and imagine all the state and city taxes you will save). I don't have to mention The Bronx as another obvious choice.
ReplyDeletei agree. but i worry about my kids
ReplyDeleteFirst off all, to the Feb 15th anon, the beaten path has been beaten by people like us, who have been living here for many years and dealing with certain inconveniences to populate this island. We are now basically being pushed away from our "a little off the beaten path" that we have been on for years, including myself having lived here for 13 years. I am now a single mother and am having difficulty living in Eastwood which was once a great place to be. If I get a better job I will no longer be protected by section 8 while having a bad job makes it difficult for me to afford child care. I would love for my child to grow up here, because Roosevelt Island is great for children. Right now I am compromising a lot as I am in a similar situation with Joe. My child is still young so public school is not an option. I take occasional work and pay a babysitter.
ReplyDeleteTO THE January 6, 2009 8:48 PM ANON POSTER:::
ReplyDelete""""I don't live in the Octagon, but those who do deserve the express bus service they pay for through their rents, and such service benefits the rest of the Island by relieving overcrowding.""""""""
EXCUSE ME, the red bus should be there for EVERYONE. Who are you to call people living in Eastwood taking the bus plain lazy? Some people may have had surgery and can not walk to the subway, some people might be running late. WE SHOULD ALL HAVE THE SAME RIGHT TO THE BUS. AND, BY THE WAY, THE RENTS IN EASTWOOD ARE THE SAME AS OCTAGON'S RENTS (not for separation but for the same amount of space)
"""""Somebody should report the above use of non-licensed electrical contractors to the Electrical Workers Union leadership, and the scaffolding violation to the NYC Bldg Dept. """"""
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of scaffolding: I live in Eastwood. My bedroom window is right next to the stairwell's window. One Saturday early morning I heard some very loud noise outside my window, got frightened, opened the window and looked up. Pieces of glass started falling down in flake form, similar to that of snow. Then my eyes started hurting and the white turned red. I had glass in my eyes. I panicked and flushed my eyes for about 10 minutes but still felt scratchy. I went to the workers (they spoke some english) and asked them why they do not use a safety net and told them I got everything on video which I did: I have a video in which they are working at the windows, breaking the window down with some sort of hammer device allowing for the broken glass to fall from the 11th floor to the ground. They saw my red eyes and realized I was in distress so they called their boss and sent him to my apartment. He rang my door bell about 10 minutes later, looked at my eye and purely asked me what I wanted. He said he would personally pay for the hospital bill while I inquired about his untrained employees. He left his phone number in case I needed money for the hospital bill. Luckily the glass flakes that entered my eyes were small enough to not cause any damage. Why? Because I was lucky. There were all sizes of flakes falling from the window above. I could have lost my sight because their workers are not trained enough or are not provided with a net to use while breaking glass. Terrible,
how do i go about having a change in the agreement. for people in sec.8 can go into the lap program when their income goes up and no longer can stay in sec. 8. but will be forced to pay market rent or get out. i want to get a better paying job but i will lose the sec.8 and be forced to pay market rent. in which i cannot. many many people have already moved out because of this. but i want to stay and fight. please is there anyone i can go to for help. thanks
ReplyDeletethe people in the lap .do not down size if you live in a 2 bedroom or less . but in sec.8 8 you must keep downsizing it goes on and on . do you want to know why this agreement was made. its because ron vass lives in a 2 bedroom apartment thats why . ron looked out for himself that man and his wife should not have been living in that apartment in the frist place. the man has lots and lots of money ,just google him and you will see what i am saying
ReplyDeletewell my good friend had to more out of eastwood . here is the reason why .she was living in this apartment for 20 years with her son. well her son is out of school now and got a good paying job , but see she was on sec. 8 because she was put into sec8 because of the agreement that ron vass of the eastwood building committee agreed to. see now with her income which was o.k for sec. 8 but now with her sons income it is too much for sec, 8 so she must pay the market rent or get out. so she asked if she can now be put into the lap which is really rent stabilzation. plus 1 per cent buy they told her no she must pay market or get out in which she was forced to do. we gave money for a lawyer to help protect us from losing out apartments well ron vass and the eastwood building comitted did nothing for us middle income people work still work and have kids living at home i have 3 kids living at home and they are at a working age. but i am telling them do not get a job until you have some other place to live because my rent will go up and then i will lose the sec8 in which means i will lose this apartment, thank you ron vass for doing this to me and many more like me.
ReplyDeleteTo Joe, Jean, Anonymous concerned about Sec8 tenants:
ReplyDeleteI had an opportunity to inquire about your situation with the present tenants' assoc (RLRA) unfortunately, it appears that RLRA may not be receptive to the idea of pursuing an extension of the LAP pgm for Sec8 tenants that may become income-ineligible for Sec8.
Nonetheless, your problem is real and moreover contradicts the original deal between RIOC and then-Eastwood owner Belson, whereby the existing (or, now, original) tenants were to have been protected either through Sec8 or LAP as a condition of the bldg exiting Mitchell-Lama.
Because of the way the Tenant Agreement was structured, Sec8 tenants, unlike LAP tenants, are in effect discriminated against as far as protection is concerned once their income rises, a situation that does not occur with LAP tenants. This was a disgraceful trade-off, if it was a trade-off for some other landlord concession and invalidated the entire concept of protection for Sec8 tenants, as it did not continue post income ineligibility. How could the EBC have the chutzpah to think that temporary protection for Sec8 tenants was equivalent to permanent protection for LAP tenants? The answer is: It wasn't and isn't and then as now it violates the terms of the building exiting Mitchell-Lama.
I think this giant loophole, which of course favors the owner (now UA) must be closed with an amendment to the Agreement -- stipulating that Sec8 tenants are entitled to entry in the LAP pgm if they exit the Sec8 pgm (that is, become income ineligible for Sec8 protection or vouchers). I think our elected representatives could help -- especially now with the pro-tenant Legislature, Governor Paterson (and even pro-tenant laws in the City Council - although they may not apply to us as we are under NYS).
It doesn't take a lawyer to write to our elected officials such as Assembly Member Kellner, or Council Member Lappin, a simple letter explaining the situation upon exit and currently, and why it discriminates against the group of more than 700 Sec8 families in Eastwood in that they, under the Tenant Agreement, are not afforded the same protection as the LAP tenants, as they (the Sec8 tenants) under the current Agreement can become income-ineligible for Sec8, although both groups of tenants (LAP & Sec8) are part of the original group of tenants that were to have been fully protected under the terms of the agreement with RIOC whereby Eastwood exited Mitchell-Lama.
This problem is dynamite politically -- as it could spell the end of our vibrant community, not only a tragedy in and of itself, but especially today in during the economic disaster.
Do our elected representatives, due to their inaction or inattentiveness to this serious problem, wish to be responsible, even indirectly, for hundreds of families being forced out of their community, due to changing economic circumstances -- in other words, constituents penalized by losing their homes if they better themselves?
How would it look if our politicians do not take up this issue? How would it look at election time?
Not only would our community be destroyed, but as we know, in the cut-throat anything-goes business climate created by the real-estate developers in NYC, it is impossible to find affordable housing. It is now a City that, Mr. Bloomberg, through his policies favoring developers who built mostly for the rich, has rendered largely unaffordable to middle-class families; Mr. Bloomberg, with his developer-friendly rezoning, willingly turned New York over to be expoited and despoiled by developers. Bbecause Mr. Bloomberg is part of, if not the head of, that economic elite in NYC, he always finds ways to make his friends in the elite class rich and happy. The developers now eagerly await an economic upturn to resume feasting at the buffet of profit in NY -- all at the expense of the majority of New Yorkers, who are of course of moderate or modest means. The developers are happy -- but most of the population of NYC is not, as the City becomes less and less affordable. Woe to anyone of modest means that may search for an apt today.
Sec8 tenants must bring the issue to the attention of Assembly Member Kellner and all of our elected representatives: Sec8 tenants must be protected in Eastwood, just as LAP tenants are protected! Either a law suit must be brought pointing out that the Tenant Agreement, in not extending ongoing protection to Sec8 tenants, violated the exit agreement signed by Belson upon exit from Mitchell-Lama, or legislation could be introduced to amend the Agreement to make it binding that Sec8 tenants are entitled to entry into LAP pgm upon exit from Sec8.
thank you for trying to help me. where was rira when this agreement was signed, what did ron vass think about this agreement he did not case about sec 8. people he just made sure he got a good deal to fit him. now i will write to mr. kellner . thank you again
ReplyDeletep.s it is sad because many people have already moved out because of this sec.8 agreement . that ron vass of the ebc agreed to they could do nothing about it but i want to stay..
ReplyDeleteif i see ron vass on main street i will tell him what i think of him. and it is not good .
ReplyDeleteif anyone is thinking to moving inti roosevelt landing dont i been here for 6 months and am looking foward to getting out. do not move here its bad i could pay 2600 per month some where much nicer where the kind of rent is worth it
ReplyDeleteron vass you suck
ReplyDeletehow the heck are the rents in roosevelt landings more than the rents in manhn park. roosevelt landings is a s---hole
ReplyDeletehow the hell are people willing to pay these cazy rents in roosevelt landing when you can go to mann. park and pay less .this is cazy. for anyone looking to move into roosevelt landings i am telling you now dont do it there are people living here who are on welfare .sec.8 people who dont work. i am paying 2100 for a 1 bedroom and the person next door to me are on welfare . doses not work .this is nuts i am moving out very soon i am moving to mann park where i am getting a doorman and exicite room and a pool, and the rent is less
ReplyDeleteThe pool at Manhattan Park is not included in the rent. You have to pay extra and it is not cheap.
ReplyDeleteo/k the pool is not free but its much better to live there then in roose landings dont move here the rents are cazy you are getting nothing for your money
ReplyDeletei once lived in roosevelt landings and moved to mann. park and they gave me the pool for free .if you go there and say you are looking to move there . and you ask them to give you the pool for free they will . because they did it for me
ReplyDeleteto all the people who are low income and sec.8 . do not move out . this is what little rich boy eisenberd wants he wants us all out of here . see he is fixing the lobbies in each building . he wants us out of here dont let him win. . bring mitchel lama back to eastwood go to hell little rich boy eisenberg
ReplyDeletei do not understane why you people volunteer for roosevelt island day see . you are the people that urban america wants off this island . they do not want sec. 8 .welfare ssi. soc sec . disable low income . old people . let me put it this way . they no longer want you . if you can not afforrd to pay market rent , they want you to move off the island,elenberg wants high income people little by little he is pushing the low incime middle income .welfare .ssi.. soc . sec. disable poor people off the island. see what he is doing with the meters. do you think he give a s--t about us ,these buildings were build for mixed houing not just for high income . do you know that they no longer take sec8. thats right when a person on sec.8 moves out the apartment goes on the market at market rent no sec.8. . . if he can get rid of us today he would
ReplyDeletether are about 70 vacant apartments in rooseveil landing. which i call it eastwood. .. if eisenberg would bring afforrable housing back to eastwood those apartments would not be vacant . buy no he is a greedy sob
ReplyDeleteIt is funny that the individual stating they are moving out soon because there is no doorman or pool, etc. is the same one complaining about all the white people moving in to RL. We aren't dumb enough to think you are a different person...we will not be fooled!
ReplyDeleteyea so what is your point .what are you trying to say. tell us. i am moving out and there are lots of white people moving on to the island, so now what . make your point i made mine.
ReplyDeletebeing fooled about what . what the hell are you trying to say you moron
ReplyDeletethe new bar s...s. its for the new people who have moved to the island. i hate those people
ReplyDeletei just hope that all of you new people who have move onto the island lose your jobs .
ReplyDeleteit is so funny to see these new young people moving in roosevelt landings and paying these big rents to live it this dump. when they can live in manhann park or the new buildings near the bar for less money and get more like a gym pool doorman. roosevelt landings gives you nothing what a joke is being [played on all of you .
ReplyDeletei agree roosevelt landings is a project. eastwood lives forever
ReplyDeletei have a son who doses not go to work . i tell him not to go to work because my rent is going to go up, i can not keep up with the rent as, each time my income goes up i pay 30 percent my rent now is 2300 per month. there is no one i can let my son work . then it will go up another 30 percent of the new income . . so it doses not pay to work. thank you ron vass and the ebc for doing this to me you can go to hell.
ReplyDeletecan someone tell me where i can get the agreement that was signed . between the ebc and belson. as i want to give it to mr. kellner. i am hopeing he can help people like me .
ReplyDeleteto the people in west view and island house. keep fighting. look what happend to us in eastwood. dont let this happend to you . whatever you do dont ask ron vass for help. look what he did to us in eastwood . him and his ebc .
ReplyDeleteI am a long term WV resident, we are trying to keep fighting.
ReplyDeleteWe know about what happend in Eastwood- now "Roosevelt Landings". That agreement is disgusting- try to get Micah Kellner involved, maybe get State Sen. Serrano involved, the Press involved.
People need to know what happened there and what happened and is happening to this once, lovely home to all of us, low income, working class, middle class, disabled, Sec. 8, etc.
I just want to leave alot somedays and then I think why should I have to leave my home due to the GREED involved with NYS, the owners and the stupidity of RIOC.
Also, Main St. for the WIRE buildings is not being kept up and the storefronts on the Eastwood side are still empty.
WV and IH got rent hikes, but in WV we are fighting the rent hike.
It breaks my heart all the time to see the new Buildings near the Tram and the Class divisions here on the this little Island and all the WIRE buildings on their own, when once used to band together as a whole.
I am really worried about the Tram outage, you cannot get on the F'ing train now.
I am currently unemployed and NYC is my hometown, but I cannot take the stress much longer and the ruination of this Island is pushing me away. There is so much competition for the jobs that are here and Roosevelt Island used to be my Haven, not much any more.
Try to get the agreement, have Mr. Kellner look at it, maybe Chad Marlowe - Public Advocacy Group, he now lives in Manhattan Park, he fights for affordable housing in the city.
Hope this helps some.
thank you for your support. but i think it is too late. no one wants to help . i dont know how in the world this happend to this great island, but keep on fighting . i will be calling the new york times . i belive there was alot of under handed things going on with this agreement with eastwood ; i will call andrew cumo . something went on behide closed doors that we dont know about . thats why i am going to the new york times . i called the wire but they are useless that is the most useless news paper in the city what garbage. they never report the real things going on .on this island . they have never had anything in their paper about this buyout never good or bad what the hell good are they. ron vass and the people on the ebc got rent stabilzated apartments or you also can call it lapp. also he never had to dowm size into a 1 bedroom from a 2 bedroom but i had to why why why , see this was a trade off by ron vass and the ebc . make us a deal and we will sigh the agreement. this is what happend he did not fight for us in eastwood . but he took our money for a lawyer to get himself a good deal he should go to jail . and the wire never puts this in the paper .all of us had to down size .but anyone in lapp did not down size .tell me why my apartment now goes for 4100 per month i wish i can get a rent stabilzaed apartment like ron vass and the rest of the people in the ebc. it was a great trade off . they sold us out. i say to them go to hell.please give me back my money that i gave you for a lawyer as the lawyer was for the people in the ebc the lawyer did nothing for us people who were put into sec, 8 . he did nothing for us . the lawyer was for ron vass and the ebc. i never wanted to be put into sec 8 ,i do not live on a fixed icome i work . my income goes up and my rent is going up with it ,so why the hell should i keep on working if i keep paying 30 percent of my income .come on ron let me see youy pay 30 percent of your income for rent you should because this is the agreement you sighed for people like me . when you and the ebc sighed the agreement did you think everyones income was going to stay the same for ever . if we have kids at home getting out of school dont you know soon they will be geting jobs. see ron now my income goes up my income will not stay the same my rent has gone up 3 times in 5 months because my income goes up and my kids are working and my rent will not stop going up until i am paying 4000 per month .
ReplyDeleteHavent any one notice that the only way we get things done is
ReplyDelete1. go to court
2. call HPD
lets all get together and start calling. The Jack- funny guy is full of lies and stories
sorry to see this site end , so i will say goodbye to ron vass and the people who were in the eastwood building committe who agreed to this buyout of eastwood . you sold out the people of eastwood so you can get a good deal for yourselfs , so i say to you ron vass ,may you rot in hell for that is where you belong .and not only you ron, joyce and bryon also,the rent of you who agreed to this . f,,,y,,,all.
ReplyDeletei was reading the wire .the new people on rira.these are the new type of people living on the island , people making 100.000 .00 and more this is what has become of this island . no more low and middle income people . may you all go to hell . bring back affordable housing to the island . to all the low and middle income still holding out on the island . i say to you dont move . stay on the island . see this is what the owners want . they want people like us off the island . dont let them win . this island is run by the jewish mafia . the jews run new york city and roosevelt island .
ReplyDeletethe wire is a rag . how dear they call it a newspaper .they never write the truth .