Happy Halloween from Roosevelt Island 360 !
“Try actually getting on a Manhattan-bound F train at the Roosevelt Island station Monday thru Friday after 7am” . - Nina (NYC)
"...was a section of the metal coping at the edge of the roof parapet which fell, glancing off the front of the cabin and otherwise doing no damage..."Fernando Martinez, VP of RIOC Operations, reported to Mr. Shane in an internal e-mail shred with me:
"I spoke to Mark Long who was supervisor on duty at the time. It was not a beam but part of the roofing material or sheating at the Manhattan station. The material landed on the Tram pit. No one was injured."The resident I spoke seemed pretty sure the debris fell onto the platform as opposed to the tram well but either way thank g-d no one was hurt.
Phone Box 1940 - Report of fire on the 9th floor @ 540 Main St.
Engs. 260, 262, 258L116, TL115Battalion 45(*Rescue 4, normally assigned on RI structural boxes, unavailable due to Queens 3rd alarm Box 4675)
05:32 hours10-12 (1st due units give preliminary) for Battalion 45.
10-77-1940 - 05:35 hoursE263E14 (High Rise Nozzle Engine Co.)E259 (Lobby Control Unit)E39 w/ High Rise 2TL117, L16L2 is the FAST truckBattalion 8Battalion 10 (Safety Officer)Division 14Rescue 2 S/CSquad 252 S/C(*multiple special units unavailable due to Queens 3rd alarm Box 4675)
CIDs for 540 Main St:.MD 19 story 50x250. Home for senior citizens. Multiple disabled throughout. No duplex apartments, interconnected with 538 and 546 Main Streets. Oxygen throughout.
05:56 hoursEMS reports they are on scene, request location of the Aided.BC45: Aided is in front of the fire building.
06:08 hoursE58 is switching to Queens, relocating to E262
06:10 hours - Duration 43 minutes.Division 14: Box 1940, main body of fire has been knocked down, primary searches are complete and negative, secondaries are in progress. Fire is Probably Will Hold. We need the fire marshals to respond, the 10-45 is a code 1 (Black Tag, Deceased). Mixer-off message.
06:14 hoursMarshals are en route
06:15 hoursDC14: Box 1940, we're going Under Control at this time, secondary searches are complete and negative at this time.
06:23 hoursDC14: We have a correction on the fire apartment, corrected apartment is 11-06, it's the 11th floor.
Todd from Regeneration Roadtrip, in conjunction with Grist TV, talks to Jonathan Colby of Verdant Power about the new Roosevelt Island tidal energy (RITE) project on the East River in New York.
Direct YouTube link posted by Grist TV. Grist can be found also at http://www.grist.org/.
According to the short text that accompanied this YouTube video, posted by earlvisw, it was shot in 1982 on a Roosevelt Island roof top. What building do you think this was shot from?
My assumption at first based on the location of the Queensboro Bridge was that this is Goldwater Hospital. But in 1982 perhaps this is the old laundry building that was on the North side of the bridge where the still under construction 405 Main Street building stands. But that can't be as then we'd see Manhattan in the background which is not the case. My guess is still the roof at Goldwater Hospital. Again what is your best guess?
What happens when the MTA subcontracts the restoration of the Roosevelt Island escalators to Dr. Frankenstein and the ghost of Dear Abby? The escalators come alive and have a penchant for giving advice and we are not just talking about holding the hand rail. Who knows perhaps singles from all over will come here wondering if the escalators will make them a match?
The above YouTube video was directed by Jeffery Lee and is quite funny. I think we all have heard those voices but were just afraid to admit it to anyone.