"Tom McGeveran has been named interim editor of The New York Observer starting June 1. He will be replacing Peter Kaplan, who announced his departure from the paper a little over a month ago.
“I’m a McGeveran man,” said Mr. Kaplan. “Tom has intellectual depth, he is a deadline journalist, and most of all, he is a New Yorker.”Mr. McGeveran ... was born in the Bronx and raised on Roosevelt Island..."
-----Original Message-----
From: rooseveltisland360@gmail.com
Cc: Martinez, Fernando
To: Guerra, Keith
Sent: 5/25/2009 5:03:42 PM
Subject: Bike racks - enforcement start date ?
Dear Keith -
Does the enforcement of the bike ban on the subway bike racks start tonight Tuesday the 26th at 2am or Wednesday the 27th at 2am ? Last week Mr. Shane stated next week but with the holiday I was unsure of the exact date and the tags don't give a date other than May 18th.
Thank you,
“Since we were the overwhelming majority on the island on Saturday (participants were dressed in red, blue, green or yellow t-shirts with white undershirts), it didn't feel like we were putting on much of a show for the few bystanders around us. The few who were on the island and not participating got a lot of attention though, as there weren't enough of them to go around when we were instructed to "give a high five to a stranger" or "follow someone's every move who is not participating". In this respect I was a little disappointed with the overall dynamic of the event, because way back in 2006 when I watched the report on .mp3 experiment III there were far fewer participants than there were bystanders in Central Park, so the effect of having a "slightly too large a group acting together to be normal" as being surprising, suspicious or unnerving to more bystanders was significantly diminished. Though I imagine that to the handful of bystanders on Roosevelt Island an army of 2000 primary-colored people marching in silence across the island was pretty intense, this event felt very much like we were doing it for ourselves, rather than performing for the enjoyment of others.”
Are you facing the Family Court system without a lawyer? On May 21, 2009, from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m., my office will partner with LIFT (Legal Information for Families Today), to bring a free legal information drop-in clinic to the Church of the Good Shepherd (546 Main Street, Roosevelt Island). The clinic will offer Roosevelt Island’s parents and grandparents who have questions about child support, custody, and visitation cases the chance to meet one-on-one with LIFT staff for help.
LIFT is an award-winning nonprofit organization that operates community and court-based programs all of which empower vulnerable families to advocate for themselves in Family Court, ensuring that all families – no matter what their income level or ability to hire a lawyer – have the ability to access justice in the complex Family Court system.
There is no need to schedule an appointment for the May 21st event, nor must you be a Roosevelt Island resident. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For more information about any of LIFT’s programs call 212-343-1122 or visit www.LIFTonline.org.
----Original Message----
From: WIRE Bulletin
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:22 PM
To: wire-bulletin
Subject: WIRE-BULLETIN: Smith, Shinozaki Win Residents' RIOC Board Nominations
Smith and Shinozaki Capture Islanders' RIOC Board Nominations
Winners in Tuesday's voting for residents' nominees to the RIOC Board of Directors were Margie Smith, with 578 votes, and Michael Shinozaki, with 318. Their names will be forwarded to Governor David Paterson as the community's nominees for open seats on the board. Under law, the Governor appoints board members.
The count:
Margie Smith 578
Michael Shinozaki 318
Lee Edelman 287
Tammy Jackson 187
The Main Street WIRE will have a breakdown of voting in its May 30 edition.
The party is in honor of the Tram's 33rd year of service and is being thrown now as the current cabins will be decommissioned once the Tram begins its scheduled July 6th recnstruction and overhaul.
So come on down between 3pm and 6pm today and raise a piece of cake in honor of Cabin 1 and Cabin 2 who will be dropping in as the parties progresses. According to Steve Shane's RIOC column in this week's Main Street WIRE 'a videographer will interview residents for [their] tram stories".
FYI, the Tram's actual "birthday" was actually yesterday May 17th as on that day in 1976 service was inaugurated. According to a Main Street WIRE article the festivities included a fireboat salute as well as remarks by Mayor Abe Beame.
The unique 128 floor, 700m concept design is spread over two oblong towers and suggests building a prototype of an urban farm in which a mixed programme of housing, offices, laboratories and farming spaces are vertically laid out over several floors and cultivated by its inhabitants. The architecture of the design proposes reinventing the vertical building, so associated with the New York skyline of the 19th and 20th centuries, both structurally and functionally as well as ecologically.
The functional organisation of the design is arranged around two 600m towers, symmetrically arranged around a huge climactic greenhouse that links them, and constructed of glass and steel. This greenhouse, which defines the shape of the design, supports the load of the building and is directly inspired by the structural exoskeleton of dragonfly wings. Two inhabited rings buttress around the ‘wings,’ and along the exterior of these are solar panels, which will provide up to half the buildings electricity, with the rest being supplied by three wind machines along the vertical axes of the building.
As a result of the barges being moved to the Hudson as part of the Henry Hudson Quad-Centennial celebration, there will not be any other festivities occurring at Southpoint Park on July 4th. However, other ideas have been thrown our way for potential events at Southpoint Park after July 4th.
Erica Wilder
Community Relations Specialist
Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation
------Original Message------
To: Erica Wilder
From: Roosevelt Island 360
Cc: Donna Masly
Sent: May 4, 2009 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: July 4th
Good afternoon,
In light of the City's movement of the Macys Fireworks to the Hudson River will there be any RIOC sponsored festivities at Southpoint Park this year for the holiday or is the entire event cancelled as a result?
In my prior post referring to the Columbia studio regarding Roosevelt Island transportation issues I stated that for the study to be relevant regarding crowding on the platforms and cars that more than one day was needed to test conditions. I had incorrectly stated that the students only tested for one day but also stated my recollection could be wrong.
Well I admit I was wrong and the below emails and photos prove out that the students did indeed witness three morning rush hours which they documented. The photo montages also, as discussed below, indicate times when riders were indeed left behind on the Manhattan bound platform. I can't argue with the images portrayed on these images unless I can prove nobody went to the work on those days.
I still believe overall that during the 815am to 845am period, that the trains and platform are overcrowded. I have no solution to this problem other than encouraging residents to arrive on the platform earlier as I TRY to do as I have encountered little issue at any time before 8:10am.
Again I thank the students for their work although I disagree with their conclusions in this segment of their studio. By next Friday, the students will be putting up a website with a link to their final report in full detail and recommendations. You can be sure it will be linked to from here.
From: David Krulewitch
Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 12:46:58 -0400
To: Roosevelt Island360; Dr. Floyd Lapp
Here are the photomontages of the 3 surveys we did on Roosevelt Island in the am peak. If you look closely, the times with an asterisk are the times not all people could get on the train. I hope that clarifies some things. Also, we attempted to get the data from the MTA regarding how many times these trains do not run on time, but they did not have that data (shocking!). Feel free to post these photomontages.
From: David Krulewitch
Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 12:46:58 -0400
To: Roosevelt Island 360;; Dr. Floyd Lapp
Hi Eric,
I actually was the point person on the subway, we will be submitting a final report to RIOC next week which will flesh out the subway data in more detail. Just to make clear what my conclusions were: If the subway runs on schedule there is little to no overcrowding at the Roosevelt Island Subway stop. The train is scheduled to run 15 times an hour (every 4 minutes). There are only serious problems if trains get backed up in queens. We did three surveys and two of the surveys there were no delays because 15 trains ran in an hour, and on the 3rd survey only 9 trains ran in an hour and there were significant delays. I will have more analysis for you soon, but the report is still in a draft stage, and we have to get a bunch of stuff done by next Thursday.