Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One Very Upset Local Blogger - NY GULAG 10044

A local resident blogging under the title "nygulag10044" published on line today a letter written, in August 2008, to New York State Inspector General Joseph Frisch alleging corruption and more at all levels of state government involving Roosevelt Island.
Without knowing the specific facts backing up the blogger's claims it's hard to say if anything written has legitimate merit. I just know from the comments posted to the Roosevelt Landings post a lot of folks are very unhappy.


  1. Come guys don't know who that is? Everyone does. She's a nutjob.

  2. You see that comment is the sort of thing one is up against on Roosevelt Island. One vicious, hostile and racist neighbour started a smear campaign day one, complete with "we don't want you" note under the door. She received a "puff piece" in the R I LIAR (WIRE) full of errors, and committed perjury against a family member in order to prevent an attempt on his life going to trial. She has a cozy relationship with RIPS.

    Anonymous who is too cowardly to reveal himself thinks that the usual abusive male "she's a nutjob" response can counteract criminal conduct and violent abuse of civil and human rights.

    Many violent crimes have been swept under the carpet by RIOC and their RIPS thugs in order to maintain a squeaky clean "crime free island - we don't need cops here..." so that it can continue its violation of human rights, of civil liberties of silencing via smear and slander and of course drug dealing.

    I'm so glad to be outta there for so many reasons - including the stalking and harassment by RIPS, the nighttime prowling by Humvees full of scary stocking- capped strangers, never stopped by RIPS, the incredible inconvenience of getting to and fro to civilisation.

    There are witnesses, including uniformed NYPD witnesses, and medical reports pertaining to both attempts on my life.

    The fact that DHCR in collusion with RIHM and elected representatives could displace so many long term residents our of Eastwood, pressure them into medication and near or complete nervous breakdowns and surrendering autonomy to Adult Protective Services while the WIRE remained silent gives credence to the late Rev Chapin's comment that living on Roosevelt Island helped him understand Nazi Germany.

  3. P.S. Anonymous Coward - define "nutjob."

    It is people like you with your slander, labels, gossip and smear campaigns that have all but destroyed a once beautiful Island. At least the Newbies give it a chance, and I am certain that the presence of so many new, educated residents, contributed to my survival. The presence of so many disinterested witnesses cramped RIPS style long enough for me to get from my home to the subway or tramway relatively unmolested. The presence of the retired professional police at the pizzeria was another safety factor. And the lovely people at Good Shepherd kept my faith in human nature buoyant. Thank you, good people, but please do everything in your power to get legitimate NYPD services.

  4. more and more people are losing their apartments because of ron vass and his eastwood building committee. ron what are you going to do to help these people . how do you sleep at nite. knowing you have caused these people to lose their apartments . come foward ron and the rest of you in the eastwood building committee.what do you have to sat about this .go to hell ron
