Don’t ask me how but somehow I stumbled across on the Internet the website for the group that is performing at Roosevelt Island’s only restaurant / diner Trellis this Friday night at 6:00 pm. For those of you that were not aware music has returned to Trellis on Friday and Saturday nights.
What is bugging me is I can not find the source page of how I found these guys. What is more confusing is that the ad in The Wire for Trellis indicates light jazz for Friday night but these guys per their site and per another on the web indicate their genre is pop rock or harder. And furthermore when I called the Trellis tonight the gentleman answering the phone had no idea and suggested I call again in the morning which I will do.
Anyhow the group supposedly appearing Friday, as noted above, is Bill Popp and the Tapes. Their website offers the opportunity among other features to listen to clips of their songs via downloadable MP3 files. I listened to a number of the songs and I am now planning to be there as they sound great and if the weather holds up it could be fun night on the plaza. I just hope I got the right group.