------Original Message------
From: Dick Lutz / The Main Street WIRE
ReplyTo: Dick Lutz / The Main Street WIRE
Sent: Nov 1, 2010 3:22 PM
Subject: WIRE-BULLETIN: TWO ELECTIONS on Roosevelt Island tomorrow
Roosevelt Island Votes Tomorrow
Islanders will go to the polls in two elections tomorrow -- the General Election in which a New York State governor will be elected, along with State Assemblymember, State Senator, and Member of Congress -- and the Residents Association (RIRA) election, in which voters will choose a President and Common Council members to serve for the next two years.
All Island residents 18 and over (regardless of registration or country of citizenship) are eligible to vote in the RIRA Election. The sole Island-wide race is for the Presidency of the organization, with incumbent Frank Farance facing a challenge from Matthew Katz, who held the organization's presidency for three past terms.
Voting in this election will be from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at three locations:
Octagon residents will vote at a machine in The Octagon.
Southtown residents will vote at a machine in the lobby at 455 Main Street.
All others will vote at PS/IS 217.
Video of Wednesday night's debate between Farance and Katz is available through the link at
Only registered voters are eligible to vote in the General Election. Voting locations, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., are:
Goldwater Hospital for part of Southtown.
Coler Hospital for The Octagon.
PS/IS 217 for River Road addresses and the "WIRE" buildings (510 through 625 Main Street).
Questions? Call the Board of Elections via 311 or 866-868-3692.
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